In the fall of 2008 I started a survey among those with EB or who had children with EB to get an idea of when kids with EB, walked, crawled, and other milestone that all kids experience. I kept adding data as people were willing to share. As of March 2009, apx 75 patients participated in the survey. Here are the results.
The average age for EB as a whole:
Rolled over: 6-7months
Sat unassisted: 7-8 months
Crawled: 11 months
Pulled to a standing position: 13-14 months
Walked: 23-24 months
Got 1st tooth: 8 1/2 months
Began sleeping through the night on a regular bases: 18-19 months
Length of hospital stay after birth: 28.1 days
Received some type of therapy (OT, PT, speech,feeding): 51% of those survey did
Found it to be helpful: of those 51%, 28% found therapy to be helpful
Suffer from reflux: 69% yes; 31% no
Are lactose intolerant: 18% yes; 72% no
Have/had a G-tube: 32% yes; 68% no
Age they received a g-tube: 20.4 months
Issues with constipation: 59% - yes; 41% no
The average age for EB as a whole:
Rolled over: 6-7months
Sat unassisted: 7-8 months
Crawled: 11 months
Pulled to a standing position: 13-14 months
Walked: 23-24 months
Got 1st tooth: 8 1/2 months
Began sleeping through the night on a regular bases: 18-19 months
Length of hospital stay after birth: 28.1 days
Received some type of therapy (OT, PT, speech,feeding): 51% of those survey did
Found it to be helpful: of those 51%, 28% found therapy to be helpful
Suffer from reflux: 69% yes; 31% no
Are lactose intolerant: 18% yes; 72% no
Have/had a G-tube: 32% yes; 68% no
Age they received a g-tube: 20.4 months
Issues with constipation: 59% - yes; 41% no
I re-did the survey in 2020 and these were the results:
EB Development Survey Results:
63 total participants
42 have EBS
9 have RDEB
9 have DDEB
2 have JEB
1 has an unknown form of EB
60% no
40% yes
90% no
10% yes
46% no
54% yes
Received OT, PT or other therapy:
47% no
52% yes
Of the 52%
Did you find it beneficial?
57% yes
25% no
19% maybe
Lactose Intolerant?
90% no
10% yes
Average Age in months for:
Sleeping thru the night: 14 months
NICU stay after birth: 13 days
First Tooth: 8 months
First words: 16 months
Walking: 20 months
Standing up: 15 months
Crawling: 11 months
Sitting unassisted: 7.4 months
Rolled over: 5.5 months
was hoping to break each item down by type of EB, but not everyone
answered with their type/subtype, so I wasn't able to get an accurate
breakdown. Some of the results did surprise me though- particularly the
reflux one. Perhaps I should have listed it as silent reflux. But no
matter, these are interesting none the less. Thank you those who

Just like with healthy children, all EB children are different and some will do things sooner or later than the average child with EB. I hope this will give parents are idea of when they might expect their child to reach a certain developmental milestone and not to worry if their child is a little bit behind other kids their age.
©Garrett's House 2021
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