
October 26, 2015

Blended Diet Ingredients

Once you have read blended diet basics, it is now time to move into creating recipes! 

While those with EB  require more calories each day due to wound healing, you need to look at more than just calories when planning a blended diet. Protein, iron, zinc, calcium vitamin D are just a few things that are also vital for a healthy body. 

With blended diet your goal is to create a well rounded meal.  

First make a list of any foods your child is allergic too.  Or any foods your child needs to avoid.  Kids with EB should avoid foods that are highly acidic to avoid triggering their acid reflux.  They also need diets high in protein, zinc and iron for optimal wound healing. 

Next make lists of the major food groups: 

You can choose whatever foods you want to try.  But as an example I will share the lists of foods we have tried along with the nutritional values of those foods.  I also rank them by calorie count.  I know the pictures are a little fuzzy.  It was hard to turn an Excel spreed sheet document into a picture. Clicking on them might help or you can email me and I'd be happy to send the Excel spreed sheet to you.

Making Blends

I choose one or two items from each food group, mixing and matching each time to create a wide variety of blends.  I go off what is available in stores and what is on sale.  I always pick fresh over frozen and frozen over canned.  Avoid canned fruits and veggies (except canned pumpkin) when possible.  Canned fruits and veggies tend to be high in sodium and preservatives.    The oils are to add calories since most fruits and veggies aren't high in calories.  Some oils are very beneficial to the skin and over all health. And with 120 calories per tablespoon is a great way to add calories without adding a ton of volume.  

I create blends in large batches, and then divide them into 30oz portions.  To EACH 30oz portion I add the following:

1)  3 tablespoons Happy Bellies Organic Baby Oatmeal.  )The servicing size is 3 tablespoon and it provides 80% of the RDA of iron.  Plus it had probiotics in it as well.)

2)  1 packet of Carnation Instant Breakfast

3)  1 tray of Benecalorie

Once all that is mixed, I then divide the blend into 6oz serving and freeze them in snack size Zip-Loc bags.  You can store blends in the freezer for months but only in the fridge for 2-3 days.  I take out baggies as we need them and thaw! 

The National Nutrient Database is what I used to determine the nutritional value of each food item.  You can look up ANY item you want to use to determine the break down of the nutritional value.  

This is just a basic idea of the MANY wants to create a blended diet.  Tomorrow I will share some of the recipes we use to give you even more ideas on how to create a blended diet for your child!  

*Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional.   This is not medical advice.  i am just sharing what I have learned along the way with the hope it makes things easier for others.  

©Garrett's House 2021

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